D e s i g n a t e d  
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M o d e l  
N o .  
K 4 M 1 - A X 1  
T h e  
a l m i g h t i n e s s  
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t h e  
F u j i n  
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u n p a r a l l e l e d  
i n  
s p e e d ,  
i m m e a s u r a b l e  
i n  
p o w e r  
a n d  
u n c o m p r o m i s i n g  
i n  
s t y l e .  
An Engineering Marvel

A breakthrough technology by the great minds of Hayate, the Arashi engines power the craft solely through clean, natural wind energy while outperforming the competition.

T.A.T.E. Integrated Cockpit

T.A.T.E. Integrated Cockpit comes with the Osyris Digital Display Windshield that provides an almost perfect recreation of its surroundings for the operator while the Osyris Web OS powers the digital dashboard, ensuring you have the latest information about your Fujin.

Azamentine Reinforced Windshield

Azamentine Reinforced Windshield provides the utmost protection from the elements during your cruise and G-forces during extreme maneuvers.

Unmatched Manoeuvrability

While others braces for that turn, the Fujin glides effortlessly with its dual bladeless turbines giving you the power to leave them in the dust.

Truly Divine

Hayate serves as the leading company when it comes to revolutionize the automobile industry through its groundbreaking innovation and technology. Leave your competition in the dust as you outrun and overtake all others in the urban streets or the racing circuits and rise higher to overcome any obstacles in your way.

The greatest challenge undertaken,

the greatest challenge overcomed

Your Own Fujin

With only a limited number of models created, join the elites of Auroria as you showcase the crown jewels of Hayate to the masses. Seize the moment and get a Fujin for yourself.

Top Speed

954.3 km/h (593 mph)

Acceleration 0‑100km/h


Dry Weight

300 kg

Operating Computer

Osyris OS version 5 (OOS5)

Public Navigation Systems (PNS)

Osyris Air Traffic Systems (OATS)


Niwa Hybrid Propulsion Thruster 7R

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